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Collection Created by:thebestabi

Labores de ganchillo que no son amigurumi.
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Nieta de Sastre - Karina Carestia - Sweater Rita - Spanish PinDIY 2023-7-20 22:19 237 2508 refer2006 2025-3-4 10:06
Lilla Bjorn Crochet - Tatsiana Kupryianchyk - Sakura Cabled Mandala PinDIY 2023-3-14 22:24 233 2801 bookhoarding 2025-3-1 16:27
Pollevie - Ellen Deckers - Polleviewrap - Dutch PinDIY 2023-2-18 17:23 87 779 Lochkopp 2024-12-16 00:04
Nieta de Sastre - Karina Carestia - Top Margaret - Spanish PinDIY 2022-12-31 20:35 193 2267 Celano15 2025-3-8 08:46
Nieta de Sastre - Karina Carestia - Sweater Sally - Spanish PinDIY 2022-12-29 07:32 301 4039 marikazi 2025-3-5 03:46
Wilma Becker - Crowns Of Majesty - English and Russian - Free PinDIY 2021-12-16 13:30 173 2143 youran 2025-3-1 22:09
Lenamasterica - Elena Bojkova - Victoria Doily PinDIY 2021-12-15 02:24 295 4067 saf27 2025-3-1 17:56
30 Crochet bags-2021-Japanese PinDIY 2021-11-11 14:58 335 6525 Chegevara2023 2025-3-7 15:42
Bisa Chefa - Gabriela Sánchez - Poncho Chelsea - Spanish PinDIY 2021-8-24 02:42 115 1669 crochet159753 2025-2-5 03:32
Santa Pazienzia - Estefanía González Vázquez - Japo bag SP - Bolso Japo SP - Spanish PinDIY 2021-7-7 16:41 378 4608 thuanchuahoamao 2025-1-22 10:35
Heart Warming Life Series - Crochet Bags - Issue 72038 - 2021 - Japanese PinDIY 2021-6-20 05:46 357 7197 yukiblue83 2025-3-4 23:29
Santa Pazienzia - Estefanía González Vázquez - Sack Bag SP - Bolso Saco SP - Spanish PinDIY 2021-6-10 23:34 239 2718 Radka 2025-3-3 05:31
Ira Rott Designs - Ira Rott - Crochet Animal Slippers PinDIY 2021-5-13 13:59 612 8265 Goshopping 2025-3-6 11:28
Bisa Chefa - Gabriela Sánchez - Carnavelito Coat - Saco Carnavalito - Spanish PinDIY 2020-11-29 03:41 174 2979 crochet159753 2025-2-5 03:29
Bisa Chefa - Gabriela Sánchez - Sweater Flamenco - Spanish PinDIY 2020-11-4 11:42 155 2902 crochet159753 2025-2-5 03:35
Make and Do Crew - Jess Coppom - Lightweight Crochet Slippers with Flip Flop Soles - Free PinDIY 2020-8-26 14:46 152 2566 Luciani Fusiege 2025-2-5 22:43
Projectarian - Hooked on Sunshine - Jessie Van In - Sundog Mask Digest1 PinDIY 2020-8-21 19:57 346 5924 Goshopping 2025-3-11 11:02
Outstanding crochet - Natalia Kononova - Corfu bag -Russian PinDIY 2020-7-10 17:38 664 10887 alleycat 2025-3-7 03:26
I Love Create - Olga Bilyk - Cruise Backpack PinDIY 2020-7-5 11:57 353 5356 kathysceltic 2025-3-7 05:16
Lilla Björn Crochet - Tatsiana Kupryianchyk - Huldra Sweater PinDIY 2019-8-1 12:20 307 5557 KnittingMama 2025-2-24 04:32
Paintbox Yarns - Katie Jones - Kahlo Crop Top - FREE PinDIY 2019-1-27 01:01 146 2587 mitzyyitzy 2025-2-13 06:13
Sophie and Me - Ingunn Santini - Door-Mat Street Soles PinDIY 2018-5-20 19:15 115 2243 Precious 2025-1-6 12:13
NHK Publication - Crochet For the First Time - Japanese PinDIY 2018-4-13 03:17 122 2455 kathysceltic 2025-1-31 20:11
Lilla Björn Crochet- Tatsiana Kupryianchyk - Indian Star Basket PinDIY 2017-6-24 05:11 246 5250 zem 2025-3-13 07:41
Sophie and Me - Ingunn Santini - Turn home slippers into street shoes Tailored Cord Tray-Soles + Sole Treatment Tutorial PinDIY 2016-10-28 01:03 175 3173 Precious 2025-1-6 12:21
Sophie and Me - Tropic Summer Top PinDIY 2016-9-19 04:30 218 4345 kathysceltic 2025-1-22 12:43
Mamachee - Tara Murray - Faulkner - Galilee Slippers PinDIY 2014-4-16 11:19 143 2856 Vegaa 2025-3-5 15:25
Meraki Craft Inc - The Crochet Case - Laura Pavy - Hopscotch the Goat PinDIY 2014-2-28 02:22 486 10362 coxb 2025-2-8 11:31
Caron Yarns - crochet cute elf slippers PinDIY 2013-11-13 19:02 148 3129 Петруша 2024-9-2 23:24
Two Girls Patterns 111 - Lorin Jean - Cute as a Button House Slippers PinDIY 2013-8-18 07:30 88 2149 klarissza 2024-8-12 14:23






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