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Collection Created by:Bgs090

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Transformations By Tracy - Silk Prom Dress - Tracy - Size XS-XL PinDIY 2025-2-22 03:07 34 337 koliberowa 2025-3-15 18:07
Galina Kolomeiko's Patternless Cutting Method - Метод безвыкройного кроя Галины Коломейко - Russian PinDIY 2025-2-19 00:08 19 138 saja.kashmir 2025-3-16 04:04
In The Folds - Ruffle Sleeve Top - Free PinDIY 2025-2-18 12:37 20 225 WeepingAngel 2025-3-14 21:25
Burda Knitting No1 2025 Spring - Hubert Burda Media - Russian PinDIY 2025-2-15 15:53 30 232 HCaterpillar 2025-3-3 14:00
Knitted Clothes for Plus Size Ladies - Issue 5 - 2004 - Russian PinDIY 2025-2-14 00:25 29 192 desi1201 2025-3-7 03:36
Puffy Mittens by Anastasiya Priyma - Russian PinDIY 2025-2-13 12:34 54 303 Iris14 2025-3-6 04:59
Dagmar Zipper Sweater by Mette Wendelboe-Okkels - PetiteKnit PinDIY 2025-2-9 09:20 103 979 Yazminn 2025-3-9 07:07
Svyatenko Patterns - Pajamas Shirt and Pants PinDIY 2025-2-9 04:52 24 254 Pollo61 2025-3-2 09:47
Chantal Sweater by Moreca Knit - Norwegian, Korean PinDIY 2025-2-8 14:37 38 434 pehimizam 2025-3-3 19:02
Paul Sweater by Ekaterina Morozova - Moreca Knit Digest1 PinDIY 2025-2-3 03:05 195 1639 kekoa 2025-3-15 19:15
Viki Sews - Lacy Dress - платье лейси - Russian PinDIY 2025-2-2 15:14 24 217 Орхидея75 2025-2-25 05:22
Viki Sews - Estella Dress - Эстелла Платье - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-31 23:46 48 292 Орхидея75 2025-2-25 05:23
Viki Sews - Skirt Sati - Юбка Сати - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-31 03:02 47 368 MorningGLOry5 2025-3-10 00:15
Viki Sews - Eileen Dress - Эйлин Платье - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-30 00:30 44 415 Nebubuleuse 2025-3-14 15:56
Viki Sews - Dress Meryl - Мерил Платье - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-30 00:01 38 241 Орхидея75 2025-2-25 05:25
Elizabeth Suzann Studio - Elizabeth Pape - Clyde Jumpsuit - Sewing PinDIY 2025-1-29 21:11 39 472 isaausel 2025-3-15 03:53
Seamwork - Leighanne Dress - Size 0-30 PinDIY 2025-1-28 04:19 36 361 sizbiz 2025-3-13 09:49
Viki Sews - Cheryl Jacket - Шерил Куртка - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-27 14:53 49 389 MorningGLOry5 2025-3-10 00:03
Viki Sews - T Shirt Gella - Футболка Гелла - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-25 15:53 43 370 MorningGLOry5 2025-3-10 01:39
Viki Sews - Dress Kiana - Платье Киана - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-25 15:39 26 258 MorningGLOry5 2025-3-9 23:49
Viki Sews - Dress Mavia - Платье Мавиа - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-24 18:15 26 239 natawest 2025-3-9 19:55
Viki Sews - Dress Ramiah - Платье Рамия - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-24 12:32 35 296 RichGo 2025-3-15 16:18
Viki Sews - Tiana Dress - Тиана Платье - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-24 01:48 22 274 natawest 2025-3-9 19:27
Viki Sews - Dress Doris - Платье Дорис - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-23 17:56 19 246 MorningGLOry5 2025-3-10 00:04
Viki Sews - Dress Goldie - ПЛАТЬЕ ГОЛДИ - Russian PinDIY 2025-1-22 02:28 22 278 Nebubuleuse 2025-3-14 15:54
Eira Sweater - Ane Fiskum Sunde - NovemberKnits - German Dansk Norsk Finnish Swedish PinDIY 2025-1-18 14:24 89 729 miplate 2025-2-26 19:05
Nele sweater by Anna Castillo - Gregoria Fibers PinDIY 2025-1-15 03:42 134 1234 chenruofumeng 2025-3-13 15:27
Little Crystals by Celine Feyten PinDIY 2024-12-23 15:28 149 1175 Matchadio 2025-3-10 22:32
Great British Sewing Bee - Women’s Pyjamas - Modern Wardrobe - Size 8-22 PinDIY 2024-11-18 02:57 50 536 MorningGLOry5 2025-3-9 23:34
Cashmerette Club - Franconia Dress - Size 0-32 PinDIY 2024-11-11 01:16 62 726 Mr.Peanut 2025-3-13 19:38
Diamond Aran Cardigan by Fumika Nakamura - Hello, Hygge Life PinDIY 2024-11-2 17:08 289 2839 knm4life 2025-3-13 20:26
Indygo Junction - IJ974CR - Tara Smith Design - Banded Baskets - Free PinDIY 2024-10-27 06:55 46 487 MorningGLOry5 2025-3-10 01:12
Bawi Sweater - Karoline Skovgaard Bentsen - Aegyoknit PinDIY 2024-10-10 18:06 116 1345 Anton25 2025-3-15 01:01
Jacket No. 2 by Louise Rasmussen - My Favourite Things Knitwear PinDIY 2024-10-9 18:36 184 2263 Anton25 2025-3-15 01:02
Amy Sweater by Mette Wendelboe Okkels - PetiteKnit Digest1 PinDIY 2024-9-12 20:52 387 3711 asdfjamie 2025-3-13 20:48
Brooklyn Tweeds Knit and Crochet Blankets - Jared Flood - 2024 PinDIY 2024-9-11 02:50 189 1897 THEOGBiBi 2025-3-16 00:18
Bubblelicious Sweater by Veronika Lindberg - Kutovakika Digest1 PinDIY 2024-8-28 13:52 295 2874 MariaErvilha 2025-3-16 04:32
Make My Lemonade - Fiona Dungarees - Size 34-46 - French/English PinDIY 2024-8-25 13:59 46 563 turquesa 2025-1-5 07:28
Make My Lemonade - Andy Dungarees - Size 34-46 - French/English PinDIY 2024-8-25 13:56 41 647 yveesus 2025-1-4 21:42
Simplicity no.1563 - Females and Males Sleepwear - English and Spanish PinDIY 2024-7-29 20:05 37 659 zdemkova 2025-3-12 12:18
Burda 6827 - Animal Cushions - Multilingual PinDIY 2024-7-14 01:31 40 433 Lir56 2025-3-11 21:26
Edgewater Avenue - Katie Fredrickson - Poppy One Piece Swimsuit PinDIY 2024-6-19 03:26 38 369 rosariobaltazar 2025-2-12 06:58
Zero Waste Gather Dress - Birgitta Helmersson - One Size. PinDIY 2024-5-18 05:21 65 808 Ivana Lis 2025-2-25 05:47
Urban Knit Easy by Leeni Hoimela PinDIY 2024-4-8 17:49 170 1387 millaray 2025-2-28 10:43
Urban Knit by Leeni Hoimela PinDIY 2024-4-8 17:48 303 2968 Pepa la 2025-3-3 16:50
Sunday Sweater - by Mette-Wendelboe Okkels - PetiteKnit - Russian Translated PinDIY 2024-2-20 13:04 80 725 Xiaobao 2025-2-15 00:36
"2109-04 Elle Sweater Peer Gynt Edition" + "2109-05 Elle Sweater Sunday Edition" by Helene Skørestad - Sandnes 2109, DIY PinDIY 2024-1-25 05:04 107 1144 Vegaa 2025-3-5 01:07
Ppoppo Sweater - Karoline Skovgaard Bentsen - Aegyoknit PinDIY 2023-11-26 02:03 309 3920 Vegaa 2025-3-6 01:41
Jenny Jacket V-neck by Mette-Wendelboe Okkels - PetiteKnit Digest1 PinDIY 2023-9-12 13:19 410 5480 Caropico8 2025-3-15 03:24
Hundert Seiten Voller Ideen - Issue 1 - 2023 - German PinDIY 2023-9-1 05:25 77 985 Anna B. 2025-3-1 01:58







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2025-3-16 08:28 GMT+8

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