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 Register Collection Dolls / Doll Accessories
   (Total: 1 votes)

Collection Created by:Bflyyyyy

  Collection threads Author Replies
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LOL surprise dolls - Ateliê LyCaseando - Portuguese PinDIY 2018-9-25 18:36 136 4028 Zifka 2024-12-1 13:40
Noia Land - Ice Cream House PinDIY 2018-8-2 16:00 135 3296 Lera1903 2023-11-27 08:55
Noia Land - Puppet Theatre Sun and Moon PinDIY 2018-7-28 17:17 123 3778 shuijing 2024-2-15 14:43
Noia Land - Rapunzel Quiet Book PinDIY 2018-7-27 02:46 152 4513 pokiiipop 2024-5-3 08:21
Lil Sugar Queen - Ovejita Craft Tutoriales - Spanish - Free PinDIY 2018-7-14 01:20 67 1831 fowoh71574 2024-9-16 09:03
Felt Unicorn - Lia Griffith PinDIY 2018-6-25 12:55 79 1931 AriaBurgos 2025-2-8 03:34
Timart - Packet Pap - Vingadores - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2018-6-25 00:48 105 2853 thamara.j.a 2025-3-7 22:01
Timart - Heróis - Felt - Portuguese Free PinDIY 2018-6-19 06:54 71 2611 thamara.j.a 2025-3-12 23:46
Ruby Jeans Closet - Pet Parade Travel Case PinDIY 2018-6-8 21:28 59 1427 Charlie04 2024-11-1 04:36
Ruby Jeans Closet - Baby Ellies Wardrobe PinDIY 2018-6-8 21:27 67 1699 aydee español 2024-11-5 02:59
Tutorial of painting the face of a textile doll - Elena Sokolkova - Russian PinDIY 2018-1-15 18:42 147 3958 Ирина Cher 2025-2-28 04:34
Feltro em Duas - No.31 Topo Bolo Ariel - Little Mermaid Felt pattern Portugues PinDIY 2018-1-3 07:30 144 4728 thamara.j.a 2025-2-28 21:23
Feltro em Duas - No.33 Topo Bolo Alice - Alice in Wonderland Felt Pattern Portugues PinDIY 2018-1-3 07:06 146 4670 Rose Garden 2025-3-6 19:55
Feltro em Duas - No.34 Topo Bolo Branca de Neve - Snow White Felt Pattern Portugues PinDIY 2018-1-3 07:02 135 4195 thamara.j.a 2025-2-28 21:13
Feltro em Duas - No.29 - Topo Bolo A Bela e Fera -Beauty and the Beast - Portugues PinDIY 2018-1-3 06:52 112 3485 thamara.j.a 2025-3-6 04:03
Colección Primavera Vivi Prado - Boneca Lis - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-10-17 21:05 94 2805 Lua28 2025-1-20 08:28
Noia Land-Kittens Digest1 PinDIY 2017-9-19 16:19 159 5071 nanou25 2025-2-17 03:49
Waldorf doll PamKra 2017-8-11 02:44 69 3431 Penny27 2024-3-29 20:31
Noia Land - Elephant Circus Felt pattern PinDIY 2017-8-6 23:33 156 5498 AriaBurgos 2025-2-15 22:12
Ateliê Ponto e Corte - Princesa Ariel Cute / Cute Ariel Princess Felt Pattern - Portuguese - Free PinDIY 2017-7-26 19:36 42 1780 marjuline 2025-3-14 02:08
Più Bella - Unicórnio / Unicorn felt Patterm PinDIY 2017-7-13 14:58 59 1357 Sauterelledu54 2023-8-17 04:46
Arte Design - Sheila Rodrigues - Alice - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-7-7 19:35 54 1228 mpulgar1 2024-10-31 22:51
A Charmosa Feltros - Star Wars - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-26 23:11 137 5566 Lanna 2024-11-24 03:28
A Charmosa Feltros - Moana - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-26 23:04 87 2860 Basak58 2024-12-3 03:54
Arte Design - Sheilinha Rodrigues - Beautiful and the Beast - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-26 22:45 52 1629 KILLA 2024-9-20 12:31
Arte Design - Sheilinha Rodrigues - Masha and the Bear (baby) - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-26 22:40 70 1991 KarinaLG 2024-11-5 21:46
As Feltreiras - Apostila Gratuita de Molde Boneca Gorjuss / Gorsjuss doll Pattern Free - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-19 14:11 73 2108 Irisosiska 2025-2-1 20:30
Cute Atelier - Moana, Maui, Hei hei, Pua /vaiana Movie Caracters Felt Pattern - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-18 14:49 51 1748 yukiblue83 2024-12-28 11:46
Masterclass - Play Doll Body Pattern Only - Russian PinDIY 2017-6-14 10:29 110 3537 Ncb5 2025-3-8 11:57
Cinderela - Fatima Barbosa - Timart - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-6 06:13 116 3876 Tha.307 2025-3-7 22:05
Carmela Caramella - fada Star/Fairy Star felt Pattern - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-2 23:16 33 1350 Germainedoucett 2025-1-3 05:04
Feltro em Duas - Star Wars - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-6-1 09:05 193 7205 pinita 2024-10-20 03:18
Noia Land - Cute Flamingo and Dodo Bird Digest1 PinDIY 2017-6-1 02:02 142 4483 licco 2024-11-13 00:20
Cristiane Debora - Super Girl- Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-5-29 21:45 54 2393 Polochon 2024-8-19 21:07
Noia Land Cute Dogs Pattern By Paloma Rocha Digest1 PinDIY 2017-5-25 16:43 171 6057 marjuline 2025-3-14 02:11
Noia land Pineapple Girl Pattern By Paloma Rocha Digest1 PinDIY 2017-5-25 15:53 105 4203 AriaBurgos 2025-2-15 22:12
Eduk Fidelina: Muñecas con Alma y Corazón con Eliana López PinDIY 2017-5-20 07:43 50 1280 dfbor 2025-2-28 19:06
´t Naaikamertje Baby Doll bassinet fabric pattern , Andrea Kehden 2010 PinDIY 2017-5-14 16:04 32 1166 shorty67 2025-1-20 23:48
Eduk Alice no país das maravilhas Alice in wonderland by Vanessa Alves Felt, Portuguese PinDIY 2017-5-2 09:08 73 1945 Sauterelledu54 2023-8-18 01:51
Timart - Packet Pap - Frozen - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-4-30 22:15 110 4348 Verônica Pereir 2025-1-10 07:18
Timart - Packet Pap - Unicorn - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-4-30 22:12 133 4256 Ana Escobar P. 2024-6-1 12:39
Timart - Packet Pap - Aladdin - Felt - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-4-30 22:09 152 4605 thamara.j.a 2025-3-12 23:56
Noia Land, Paloma Rocha, Buho Azul Blue owl, Felt PinDIY 2017-4-29 08:06 66 1515 Hugabear2 2025-3-2 16:13
Timart - Fátima Barbosa - The Little Mermaid Kit - Portuguese PinDIY 2017-3-18 04:30 120 3272 dfbor 2025-2-28 20:36
Kindred stitches - N° 39 Magical & Mystical PinDIY 2017-2-13 20:18 99 3232 aktivna 2025-2-6 09:28
Feltro em Duas Marinheiros Cute Portuguese PinDIY 2017-2-9 18:20 65 1483 Gisele M Batist 2024-10-11 23:52
Mamma Mia Handmade - Bichinhos Sò Cute PinDIY 2017-1-25 12:42 121 4193 KILLA 2024-9-10 13:45
Gingermelon Design - Pocket Prims PinDIY 2016-12-22 04:23 158 4248 Lucelia Masson 2025-3-14 23:27
Amanda Andronic - Beauty and the Beast Soft Doll - Portuguese - Free PinDIY 2016-11-30 05:41 72 3042 Meriem 2024-4-29 18:56 - Doll Sandrinha - Soft Doll - Portuguese PinDIY 2016-10-25 21:22 43 1242 wityu 2023-1-1 07:17

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lunabepa 2019-9-16 04:07:







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