Meet the Needleworker of the Year 2000. Check out the shop profile of Ginger's Needlearts and Framing. Learn about application lace at the Great Exhibition of 1851. Admire a beaded panel circa 1865-1885 depicting a cavalier couple. Also, you'll get to enjoy needlework from the Festival of Britain in 1951. Meet two innovative Chinese embroiderers.
Appliqué and embroider a Victorian lace square. Needlepoint and bead an evening purse. Embroider a scissors sheath in crewelwork. Embroider a beaded butterfly. Cross-stitch a sampler in soothing browns and greens with horse and flower motifs. Knit baby's bootikins from Weldon's Practical Needlework. Crochet a crazy pattern scarf. Learn "luanzhen xiu," or random-stitch embroidery, designed by Chinese embroiderer Yang Shouyu in the early twentieth century.
In every issue of PieceWork magazine, you will be amazed at the amount of information packed into these pages:
Be inspired by needleworkers past and present. In each issue, you'll meet needleworkers with unique stories to tell and special projects to share.
Explore traditional needlework throughout history. In addition to the people who did the work, you'll get an up-close look at what they created and how they did it.
Test your needlework techniques with projects ranging from embroidery to knitting, quilting to beading, and crochet to cross-stitch.
And so much more!